Blockswap StakeHouse game — case study

Tokens Wolf
5 min readAug 31, 2021

Phase one of the Stakehouse game has been a great journey. Let me introduce you to Tokenswolf’s support for Blockswap Network.

The main goal of phase 1 was to invite batch minters and stakers into the game. Stakehouse operators and batch minters were incentivized to bring new stakers.

Tokenswolf started his support by helping the community to understand more about the Blockswap Network project itself and how the Stakehouse game is working. A not long time after Tokenswolf was invited to help as Community Manager.

Web app to help to match stakers with batch minters

The first tests of the Stakehouse game went smoothly but it was clear that inviting stakers into the game will be difficult as every batch minter had to first find willing to join stakers and then manually send them minted tokens. (Otherwise, they would not get the rewards). Tokenswolf created the web app as a solution to the “matching” problem. Every batch minter now was able to use his telegram account to put his offer on the list and start to gather stakers. By doing this he was able to bulk send the minted tokens and get rewards. The app was fully integrated with on-chain data to show available slots for every Stakehouse. The huge onboarding improvement by the core team removed the “matching” issue but the app was still used by almost 100 batch minters.

Bot for querying the chain for a number of tokens minted in every Stakehouse based on the provided address

The first stage of the game was the minting part. It was necessary as, without minted tokens, users were not able to join the Stakehouses and win rewards. Every batch minter had to type: /mint stake command as many times as many SHB tokens he was holding on his wallet. You can imagine how overloaded the chats were at that time. A lot of batch minters were confused about how many tokens their minted, in which Stakehouse, and how many left. To solve this issue Tokenswolf created the bot: that was returning a count of minted SHB tokens for every Stakehouse for the provided address. This functionality at the later stage helped minters to check if they still have something to mint or not. Apart from that, this information helped to discover one bug that was allowing minters to mint more tokens than they actually had on their wallets.

Community feedback

Since the game is more fun when we are able to see the live stats and competition between Stakehouses — Tokenswolf created charts with a timeline showing the number of minted tokens in every Statehouse and the number of stakers that joined. From now on we were able to check not only the current numbers but history and recent changes as well.

Game stats and charts

The second stage of the first phase was inviting the stakers to claim tokens. The core team already did significant improvements to simplify the process of onboarding the staker. But it turned out to be still too complex for a lot of users. That’s why Tokenswolf decided to create the next two Telegram bots to help users to become stakers. The first one was responsible to generate a link for claiming access token to the game and instructing the user step by step how to join the Stakehouse. The second bot was responsible for managing the Stakehouses. It was not only providing live stats about the number of minted tokens and stakers in every Stakehouse. But more importantly, it was helping every user to claim tokens by sending him a personal button and notification to do so. Apart from that it was validating incorrect commands and helping the user to use the correct ones. After a successful claim, the bot was redirecting the staker to claim tokens in other Stakehouses to maximize the reward.

Telegram bots for managing the Stakehouses and onboarding the stakers

Tokenswolf tested this approach first on one of Stakehouses and the results were mindblowing. The conversion rate surged from less than 5% to about 40%. By conducting a number of campaigns using this bot Tokensolf soon after met the criteria to take over one of the Stakehouses.

The new approach was used by the core team to onboard users to all Stakehouses. All campaigns results were tracked independently and because of that, we were able to use remarketing at a later stage. By doing this we almost doubled the number of stakers in the game. From 11k stakers, we ended up on about 22k (still counting)

Stats for campaigns with bot

It goes without saying that phase 1 was a lot of fun and we as a team learned a lot. We will continue to give our best efforts to support the Blockswap team in phase two and afterward.




Tokens Wolf
Tokens Wolf

Written by Tokens Wolf

Wolves are the hunters. So do we. Tokens Wolf app will help you to hunt for the best gems and deals on crypto. Get the statistical edge!

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