How to track top token holders

Tokens Wolf
4 min readJan 21, 2021


Top token holders are holders with the biggest share of a given token. They are the insiders, the whales — they know more about the given project than ordinary people. Their knowledge is precious. Most of them are not keen to share their insights. What if I show you a way to follow their doings and get a statistical edge that the biggest players have?

This is a place where the TokensWolf app comes into play.

To add holders tracker: go to Holders tab and click Add new token.

TokensWolf app will give a clear overview of top token holders activity and will notify you of every abnormal activity that they will do. Let’s describe those functionalities in detail.

Holders activity overview

Top holders overview helps to understand trends in top holders behavior. Are they dumping? Are they accumulating? Or even if they are doing nothing. All those questions are important and you will find the answer in the TokensWolf app.

Holders activity overview

As you can see on the screenshot above, the app UI will help you to get any information you want. You can generate a report from today, the last two days, last week, and last month.

The chart data can be filtered to show only holders that were active in a given period of time (today, last two days, last week, and last month). If you want to focus your vision even more you can hide the given holder line by clicking his address on the right.

At the bottom you can see two important statements:

We are tracking only human holders (no exchanges, no liquidity pools)

And that’s true. We are focused on ordinary addresses only. Exchanges, token contracts, and liquidity pools are excluded from tracking. We aim to track only human holders as their doings are most meaningful.

Tracking of this token started on 01/08/2021. New data is added every day.

If you are the first one that will track the given token, you will see only one snapshot on the chart. That is because tracking starts from the date the first user starts tracking. If you see more data, it means that someone else already started tracking this token.


Notifications are meant to inform you of every abnormal activity of a given holder. It will not flood you with unnecessary messages. So, how it works?

The TokensWolf bot compares the current balance of the top token holder to the balance from the previous snapshot (they are done on a daily basis). If the change overlaps 10% you will be notified.

Negative change

Notification is self-explanatory. You will receive information about balance change, change in 24h (those two values could be different in case that holder did more than one transaction in the period from the last snapshot). It will give you a greater perspective on the given holder’s doings. You will see not only the last transfer balance details but the overall changes in his wallet. As you will see from the example at the end of this article, whales often like to dump hard but to accumulate slowly.

Positive change

Change in most cases will be buy/sell action but not always! Sometimes it could be just tokens transfer from wallet to wallet. To be sure click the address link and check the last transactions for the token.

Daily report
New token holder in the top

You will be notified not only on a change in the balance of top token holders. You will receive daily reports to be up to date with their actions. Apart from that, you will be informed when a new holder will appear at the top. Often, it will mean bullish sentiment.

CUDOS token — manipulation case study

Let’s dive into a practical example. Recently, we had one manipulation example from the top holder of the CUDOS token. He took advantage of the negative sentiment on this token and dumped part of his tokens to accelerate selling even more. After that, he started to accumulate cheap tokens from scared sellers.

CUDOS top holder manipulation example. Red line — dumping, Green line — accumulation
CUDOS top holder manipulation example. Transactions screenshot.

How would the Tokens Wolf app help you in such a case? Easy! You would be notified on whale accumulation. One quick glance on his recent transactions and it’s clear what he did. Great bullish signal.

App notification immediately after top holder’s manipulation. Easy buy!


TokensWolf app is not a buy/sell signal indicator. It will greatly help to get the statistical advantage over other market participants but it is only the tool. Do not blindly follow what top token holders are doing. Happy hunting!



Tokens Wolf
Tokens Wolf

Written by Tokens Wolf

Wolves are the hunters. So do we. Tokens Wolf app will help you to hunt for the best gems and deals on crypto. Get the statistical edge!

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